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Heart and Vascular Care

Locations of TAVR treatment in San Diego.

Transcatheter aortic valve replacement therapy is offered at the following Sharp hospitals.

We'll help find the doctor who's right for you.

View doctors specializing in heart care in San Diego.

Dr. Mihir Barvalia

"The Sharp Experience means being able to collaborate with other specialists, nursing, and hospital staff to enhance the overall experience during their hospital stay by providing the highest care of the highest quality."

Dr. Mary Bechis

"I believe that exceptional patient care stems from mutual trust and open communication."

Dr. Jesse Naghi

"I provide the most up-to-date and accessible care."

Dr. Robert Kumar

"I provide individualized care focusing on the specific needs for each patient."

Dr. R. Seenu Reddy

"I treat patients with the best medical care available."

Dr. Steven Carlson

"The Sharp Experience means treating every patient like a member of the family."

Dr. Karl Limmer

"I am proud to be able to offer my patients the most advanced minimally invasive surgical treatments."

Dr. Brian Jaski

"It is my mission to help cardiac patients feel better and live longer."

Dr. Craig Larson

"The Sharp Experience signifies a collaborative environment committed to patient-centered care."

Dr. Peter Hoagland

"I care for the complexities of the heart with compassion, understanding and the trained hands of experience."

Dr. Dimitri Sherev

"I provide personalized health care to each of my patients."

Dr. Genaro Fernandez

"I put my patients' needs first and always provide the best care possible."

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