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Dr. Douglas Brewster

"I aim to provide high-quality care in a friendly environment and to recognize each patient's needs."

Dr. Ronald Mathiasen

"I strive to provide friendly, compassionate care to my patients in a way I would want to be treated."

Dr. Paul Schalch Lepe

"The Sharp Experience is about connecting with patients and walking alongside them down the path of health and wellness."

Dr. Michael Keefe

"My goal is to provide the same outstanding care for my patients that I would for my family or myself."

Dr. Keith Jackson

"I want all patients to feel they are cared for and know their concerns are my concerns."

Dr. Perry Mansfield

"I love being a part of a comprehensive team of great players with genuine concern at Sharp."

Dr. James Amsberry

"My desire is to improve the quality of life for my patients while utilizing surgical training, experience and expertise."

Dr. Brianna Harris

"The whole Sharp team is awesome and has your best interest at heart."

Dr. Brian Weeks

"I treat patients like they are members of my own family."

Dr. Benjamin Saltman

"I provide a high-quality, patient-centered approach before, during and after treatment."

Dr. Michael Holtel

"It is important to really listen to my patients and provide specialized care."

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