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Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group

Sharp Rees-Stealy Del Mar Dermatology
Sharp Rees-Stealy Downtown Dermatology
Sharp Rees-Stealy Otay Ranch Dermatology
Sharp Rees-Stealy Rancho Bernardo Dermatology
Sharp Rees-Stealy Santee Dermatology
Sharp Rees-Stealy Scripps Ranch Dermatology
Sharp Rees-Stealy Sorrento Mesa Dermatology

We'll help find the doctor who's right for you.

View Sharp Rees-Stealy doctors specializing in dermatology in San Diego.

Dr. Diane Scott

"I take the time to listen to each patient and determine strategies in order to minimize health risks."

Dr. Young Tsai (Lee)

"Patient well-being is my top priority and I treat each person as I would want my own family treated."

Dr. Galina Stetsenko

"I have been in practice since 2013."

Dr. Curt Littler

"I strive to treat my patients as I would like to be treated."

Dr. Tina Chen

"I believe that taking care of patients is not only skin deep."

Dr. Mark Sornson

"I have been in practice since 2002."

Dr. Elan Newman

"I strive to deliver care in such a way that patients look forward to coming back to see me."

Dr. Nancy Maly (Cheng)

"The Sharp Experience means the highest level of quality and personalized care."

Dr. Humberto Gallego

"I have been in practice since 1997."

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